- The talented Gael Towey recently started a short film series called Portraits in Creativity in which she documents artists and their inspirations, revealing the courage and curiosity that propel the creative act.
- I love these nature inspired tattoos.
- I've always been intrigued by the lengths people will go to in the name of fashion and creative self-expression: Fatal Victorian Fashion and the Allure of the Poison Garment.
- I'm in love with these stunning Art Deco Merci Beaucoup note cards I just snagged from Line 117 Stationery.
- This flat file storage IKEA hack is clever and much more cost-effective than typical flat files.
- I absolutely love Olivia Knapp's illustrations featuring unexpected arrangements of anatomical parts, flora, and commonplace objects. Her drawings are influenced by European line engravings of decorative relief and scientific specimens from the 16th and 17th centuries. Talk about inspiring! (I noticed she also uses my favorite pens!)
Link Love: 7.2014
in Link Love