I am absolutely thrilled to announce that I was the first of two winners in the RED BULL Canvas Cooler competition, and will be representing Dallas at SCOPE Miami in December!! I cannot express how much this opportunity means to me, and how amazing the people from Term of Art and Red Bull were to work with. This whole experience has been an amazing whirlwind. I can't wait to share the next leg of this adventure. Thank you to everyone for flooding my Facebook and Twitter with words of encouragement and congratulations. It has meant so much!
photo by Loyal K.N.G.
Special thanks to the prestigious judges:
• Veletta Forsythe Lill, Executive Director - Dallas Arts District; Councilmember - City of Dallas
• Phillip E. Collins, Chief Curator - African American Museum;
Commissioner-at-Large - Office of Cultural Affairs - City of Dallas;
Chair of the Public Art Committee - City of Dallas; Community Outreach
Coordinator in Education - Dallas Museum of Art (DMA)
• Anne Bothwell - Director Art&Seek Initiative - KERA public radio/TV; Assistant Arts Editor - The Dallas Morning News
It was an honor to have you all see my work!